Windows Data Type|Object PascalDataType|Description 


LPSTR  PAnsiChar;  String pointer 
LPCSTR  PAnsiChar;  String pointer 
DWORD  Integer;  Whole numbers 
BOOL  LongBool;  Boolean values 
PBOOL  ^BOOL;  Pointer to a Boolean value 
Pbyte  ^Byte;  Pointer to a byte value 
PINT  ^Integer;  Pointer to an integer value 
Psingle  ^Single;  Pointer to a single (floating point) value 
PWORD  ^Word;  Pointer to a 16-bit value 
PDWORD  ^DWORD;  Pointer to a 32-bit value 
LPDWORD  PDWORD;  Pointer to a 32-bit value 
UCHAR  Byte;  8-bit values (can represent characters) 
PUCHAR  ^Byte;  Pointer to 8-bit values 
SHORT  Smallint;  16-bit whole numbers 
UINT  Integer;  32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally, this was used to represent unsigned integers, but Object

Pascal does not have a true unsigned integer data type. 
PUINT  ^UINT;  Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers 
ULONG  Longint;  32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally, this was used to represent unsigned integers, but

Object Pascal does not have a true unsigned integer data type. 
PULONG  ^ULONG;  Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers 
PLongint  ^Longint;  Pointer to 32-bit values 
PInteger  ^Integer;  Pointer to 32-bit values 
PSmallInt  ^Smallint;  Pointer to 16-bit values 
PDouble  ^Double;  Pointer to double (floating point) values 
LCID  DWORD;  A local identifier 
LANGID  Word;  A language identifier 
THandle  Integer;  An object handle. Many Windows API functions return a value of type THandle, which

identifies that object within Windows’internal object tracking tables. 
PHandle  ^THandle;  A pointer to a handle 
WPARAM  Longint;  A 32-bit message parameter. Under earlier versions of Windows, this was a 16-bit data type.

LPARAM  Longint;  A 32-bit message parameter 
LRESULT  Longint;  A 32-bit function return value 
HWND  Integer;  A handle to a window. All windowed controls, child windows, main windows, etc., have a

corresponding window handle that identifies them within Windows’internal tracking tables. 
HHOOK  Integer;  A handle to an installed Windows system hook 
ATOM  Word;  An index into the local or global atom table for a string 
HGLOBAL  THandle;  A handle identifying a globally allocated dynamic memory object. Under 32-bit Windows,

there is no distinction between globally and locally allocated memory. 
HLOCAL  THandle;  A handle identifying a locally allocated dynamic memory object. Under 32-bit Windows, there

is no distinction between globally and locally allocated memory. 
FARPROC  Pointer;  A pointer to a procedure, usually used as a parameter type in functions that require a

callback function 
HGDIOBJ  Integer;  A handle to a GDI object. Pens, device contexts, brushes, etc., all have a handle of this

type that identifies them within Windows’internal tracking tables. 
HBITMAP  Integer;  A handle to a Windows bitmap object 
HBRUSH  Integer;  A handle to a Windows brush object 
HDC  Integer;  A handle to a device context 
HENHMETAFILE  Integer;  A handle to a Windows enhanced metafile object 
HFONT  Integer;  A handle to a Windows logical font object 
HICON  Integer;  A handle to a Windows icon object 
HMENU  Integer;  A handle to a Windows menu object 
HMETAFILE  Integer;  A handle to a Windows metafile object 
HINST  Integer;  A handle to an instance object 
HMODULE  HINST;  A handle to a module 
HPALETTE  Integer;  A handle to a Windows color palette 
HPEN  Integer;  A handle to a Windows pen object 
HRGN  Integer;  A handle to a Windows region object 
HRSRC  Integer;  A handle to a Windows resource object 
HKL  Integer;  A handle to a keyboard layout 
HFILE  Integer;  A handle to an open file 
HCURSOR  HICON;  A handle to a Windows mouse cursor object 
COLORREF  DWORD;  A Windows color reference value, containing values for the red, green, and blue components

of a color 

Posted by bloodguy