ReplicaSet의 멤버교체 중 가장 간단함.

1. 교체당할 mongod instance shutdown

mongo shell로 접속해서 아래처럼.

repl_set_001:ARBITER> use admin

switched to db admin

repl_set_001:ARBITER> db.shutdownServer()

Tue Jun 30 09:18:11.932 DBClientCursor::init call() failed

server should be down...

Tue Jun 30 09:18:11.933 trying reconnect to localhost:27018

Tue Jun 30 09:18:11.933 reconnect localhost:27018 failed couldn't connect to server localhost:27018

2. ReplicaSet의 primary로 접속.

repl_set_001:PRIMARY> rs.remove('')

Tue Jun 30 09:26:08.397 DBClientCursor::init call() failed

Tue Jun 30 09:26:08.399 Error: error doing query: failed at src/mongo/shell/query.js:78

Tue Jun 30 09:26:08.399 trying reconnect to localhost:27018

Tue Jun 30 09:26:08.399 reconnect localhost:27018 ok

3. 교체하고자 하는 arbiter의 mongod 인스턴스 가동.

4. ReplicaSet의 primary로 접속.

repl_set_001:PRIMARY> rs.addArb('')

{ "ok" : 1 }

// status 명령어로 제대로 들어올 때 까지 확인 할 것.

repl_set_001:PRIMARY> rs.status()


Posted by bloodguy