DokuWiki에서 파일업로드 할 때 확장자로 차단함.
예를 들어 exe 파일을 업로드 시키려고 하면 업로드 거부가 되고 실패함.
특정 확장자를 가진 파일의 업로드를 허용하려면,
DokuWiki가 설치된 디렉토리의 conf/mime.conf = DOKU_CONF/mime.conf 파일에 확장자를 추가해줘야 함.

conf/mime.conf 파일을 열어보면 대략 감이 옴.
아래처럼 허용할 확장자의 이름과 mime type이 적혀있는데 이런 형태로 추가해주면 됨.
나는 exe, msi 파일을 허용했음. (빨간색 굵은 글씨)

#Add extensions and mimetypes of files you want to allow to upload here

jpg     image/jpeg
jpeg    image/jpeg
gif     image/gif
png     image/png
tgz     application/octet-stream
tar     application/x-gtar
gz      application/octet-stream
bz2     application/octet-stream
zip     application/zip
rar     application/rar
pdf     application/pdf
ps      application/postscript
doc     application/msword
xls     application/msexcel
ppt     application/mspowerpoint
rtf     application/msword
swf     application/x-shockwave-flash

rpm     application/octet-stream
deb     application/octet-stream

sxw     application/soffice
sxc     application/soffice
sxi     application/soffice
sxd     application/soffice

odc     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart
odf     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula
odg     application/
odi     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image
odp     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
ods     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
odt     application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

# 백충덕 추가 (2009-10-21)
exe     application/octet-stream
msi     application/octet-stream

# You should enable HTML and Text uploads only for restricted Wikis.
# Spammers are known to upload spam pages through unprotected Wikis.
# Note: Enabling HTML opens Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities
#       through JavaScript. Only enable this with trusted users. You
#       need to disable the iexssprotect option additionally to
#       adding the mime type here
#html    text/html
#htm     text/html
#txt     text/plain
#conf    text/plain
#xml     text/xml

Posted by bloodguy